Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the Conference on Tropical Medicine and Global Health in Düsseldorf on behalf of the conference chairs and the organizing and scientific committees!
We are delighted to co-host this year’s conference with the German Society of Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG) and the Swiss Society for Tropical and Travel Medicine (SSTTM), and to collaborate closely with our partners from neighboring countries: the Belgian Study Group for Travel Medicine, the Dutch National Coordination Center for Travel Advice (LCR), the Austrian Society for Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine (OEGIT), as well as our friends and colleagues from Ethiopia, the official partner country of the CTM 2024.
The result is an exciting and diverse program that will explore current topics and challenges in Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine, and Global Health over three days in four parallel tracks, featuring experts from around the globe.
The conference is also an excellent opportunity to discuss the role and strategic direction of Tropical Medicine as a discipline, highlighting its potential to link the diverse disciplines required to achieve our common goals in global health.
We are delighted by the numerous registrations from Africa and beyond. Fostering exchange and networking among participants is a key goal of the conference, as such collaborations are vital in addressing today’s immense challenges. Therefore, we have organized an enjoyable social program, including a get-together at the harbor and a BBQ at the lecture halls hosted by the ‚junge DTG,‘ our youth organization.
Düsseldorf is definitely worth a visit and will provide a vibrant and international backdrop for CTM 2024, so be sure to take some extra time to enjoy everything the city has to offer. The state capital on the Rhine is known for its art and cultural scene, featuring world-class museums and its art academy. The conference will take place in the Roy Lichtenstein lecture halls at Heinrich Heine University, designed in 1970 with stunning murals by the artist.
We look forward to welcoming you this September!
Torsten Feldt
Carsten Köhler
Andreas Neumayr
Hans Martin Orth
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Head, Section Tropical Medicine
Dep. Director, Hirsch Institute of Tropical Medicine, Asella, Ethiopia
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectious Diseases
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Medizinische Klinik – Innere Medizin VII
Direktor Kompetenzzentrum und Leiter der Fokusgruppe
„Globale Gesundheit / Global Health“
Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel and Geneva, Switzerland
Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie und Infektiologie